Lead Sled Beaverette Mk III

I have no idea when this was made and was lucky to find it on eBay.  One clue is that the instructions appear to have been composed on an IBM Selectric typewriter. The kit does come with a simple instruction sheet and is 100% white metal.

Lead Sled parts

You can see there is even chassis detail, something only the Extratech also had.  Given this was a rare find, I opted not to learn how to solder white metal with this kit and went with 5 minute epoxy instead. Assembly was straightforward.

Lead Sled assembly Lead Sled assembly 3 Lead Sled assembly 2

I used highly diluted phosphoric acid to clean the parts. Much filler was required. I think I put too much on and this took quite a bit of sanding to make look decent.  Clamping is crucial with epoxy.

Somewhere amidst all the Beaverettes, I lost the white metal rod for the gun and replaced it with a Bren gun cut from the arms of an Airfix British soldier figure set.

There’s not much more to say.

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